DayFit HealthLine Nutrition

A Trend Setter brand

DayFit HealthLine Nutrition is a belgian family business owner of lifestyle foods brands.

Originally, our activities  focused on receips low calories suitable for diet: reduced sugar bars & spreads, jams & biscuits.

Considering the market trends, we drawed a "less & low calories" product's catalogue dedicated to sportsmen and athlets.

Further, in favoring the protein intake, we developped our own brand of LifeStyle foods under the label "Healthy Eating Line".

All references listed in Dayfit Healthy Eating catalogue are suitable for hypocaloric diets, pregnant woman and adviser for diabetics due to low sugar.

Why this path?

All about lifestyle and healthy eating!

The healthcare industry is a thriving industry nowedays.

We have found that the demand for lifestyle and healthy foodstuffs or so-called light products always has an artificial taste.

Our mission has been to create healthy lifestyle, low calorie toppings and sauces that help people control their calorie, sugar and fat intake while delivering an excellent product.

Enjoy the references of the label Healthy Eating Line without restrictions.

Where you find Us?

Everywhere you go, we are available!

Everyone interested in high-quality lifestyle foodstuffs & diet food will find the references of the label DayFit Healthy Eating in retail, specialized food stores, diet center, drugstores, fitness clubs & gym centers. 

Healthy Eating Line

From reduced fat & sugar to protein intake

Our label "Healthy Eating Line" is divided into two categories: protein snacks naturally sweetened and range of produces manufactured with maltitol or sucralose sweeteners.

In cader of the launch of the label DayFit Healthy Eating Line, we proposed hypocaloric sauces & dressing, chocolate spreads 20% protein, jams with less sugar and protein snacks naturally sweetened.

Our latest addition are the excellent "Near Zero Calorie" Rabeko Products cooking sprays & speculoos biscuits without sugar. 

The Healthy Eating Line Sauces & Dressing ranges "less & low calories, without sugar or fat" are available in various tastes enhancing and flavoring different types of dishes: salads, grilled, spicy and Asian dishes, as well as your favorite cakes and desserts.

Are you interested in our products?

Customers looking for authentic tastes and different flavors will appreciate the DayFit Healthy Eating Line brought to entire markets through our official agents, importers, distributors and retailers.

With our logistic facilities in Belgium, Romania and the Slovak Republic, we take care of the distribution internally and supply a large number of major retailers in the markets of Europe and the Islands, via the WiNGS-3D & DayFit HealthLine Nutrition companies.

Pack your samples!

The label "Healthy Eating Line" offers several ranges. A large sortiments including various references.

Most of them are sugar and fat free, some are fat and sugar free.

We have prepared customized sample packaging for you!

Request them!

Our main ranges & references

The joy of LifeStyle

Whether we are talking about natural protein snacks or  foodstuffs produced with sweeteners, the label Healthy Eating Line is done for people looking for enjoying healthy & delicious food and, at the same time, pay attention abour their health in taking care take of their shapes.

Everyone of our references are ideal in association with different kind of meals & type of receps.

Sauses, Dressing, Topping
Jams sweetened with maltitol or sucralose
Chocolate Spreads 20% protein (sucralose)
Natural protein snacks